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EthicsLine Platform

Welcome to KPMG EthicsLine

At OCBC, we are committed to the highest level of integrity and value high ethical standards. The Group’s Whistleblowing Programme helps promote a culture that encourages individuals to escalate any concerns or observation of fraud or misconduct. When sufficient information is provided, a thorough and unbiased investigation will be carried out by an independent party, Internal Audit.

All parties will be treated fairly during the investigation and the Group will take appropriate actions based on the findings. Both the web-page and hotline are managed by an external vendor, KPMG Singapore, that has many years of experience in the Governance, Risk, and Compliance space. KPMG has been providing professional whistleblowing reporting services to clients globally for more than 20 years. The company may do their independent communication on fact finding, and their reporting to the Bank will be governed by secure operating environment.

Whistleblowing policy at OCBC was established to maintain a work environment that is honest, ethical and fair for our customers, employees and shareholders. All reporting should be made in good faith and without malicious intent or for personal gains.

EthicsLine is NOT an Emergency Service: Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.

Please be aware that by submitting a report via this platform, you consent to KPMG collecting and using the personal data provided in the submission, and disclosing such personal data to OCBC, for the purposes of investigating and reporting of whistleblowing complaints in accordance with KPMG's data protection policy. All information, including personal data, will be held in strictest confidence, unless OCBC is compelled by law to disclose.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all Whistleblowing reports will be investigated whether they are anonymous or not. However, if you are an existing employee and choose to remain anonymous, Group Human Resource will not be able to assign a Whistleblowing protection officer to you to safeguard your interest. Furthermore, Group Human Resource will not be able to facilitate your appeal in cases where reprisals have taken place.
You will be assigned a unique code called a case ID. Please record and keep your case ID and password in a safe place. You can use the case ID and password to check on the status of your report.
OCBC Group Audit
Yes. However it will be subjected to the following considerations: Privacy of those against whom the allegations were made, Banks confidentiality policies, If you are not an employee, the communication applies only if you agree in writing to maintain confidentiality in relation to any information provided.
Yes, if the concerns raised are without malice and in good faith, you must believe that the information/allegations disclosed are substantially true. The allegation must not be made for the purpose of personal gain.
You may make a report in writing or verbally to either of the parties listed below: Supervisor of employee, Head of Division, Head of Group Audit, CEO or Chairman of Board
No, there is no reward in any form.
© 2023 KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. (Registration No: 200003956G), a Singapore incorporated company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.